Results 59 comments of Dannii Willis

Hmm, I'll have to take another look at it all in detail. I don't know why it would be doing anything at risk of being recursive. Maybe two rule books...

I got it working by removing the engines section from package.json and bumping bcrypt to 3.0.0.

Ah yes, that does look like it could work for me. I hadn't thought of it because it's only available as `.neighbours(n).detach()` not `.edges(n).detach()`.

I've started using `.neighbours(n).detach()` but I've run into some issues. I think they ultimately stem from the fact that there's no trait for it, so I have to use the...

Gotcha. Eventually I want to work on getting more graphics support into Lectrote's Hugo interpreter, so I'll look then at what you've done here.

Look behinds are unsupported in Safari but this plugin didn't show the problem. I don't use Babel, and @babel/eslint-parser doesn't appear to do browser checking like this plugin does. It's...

If you want a super simple PRNG then I'd recommend Xorshift. It usually scores better on tests than LCGs.

I used this in an Inform project when I wanted reproducible cross platform random seeds. The third one is called xorshift* and is extremely reliable for the code size -...

It doesn't appear that `nextFloat` is ever used, do we need to keep it? Hmm, could either of you help me by explaining briefly how NextSequenceShuffleIndex works? Edit: I think...

No, I'm running it with the babili cli command. I also only want to ignore part of a file - the asm.js functions (with the pragma "use asm"). The rest...