
Results 81 comments of Nicco

TLDR; we need to copy and delete instead of renaming, otherwise it fails over different filesystems

Next bigger update I def. want to remove the generation feature. Also because as @ovizii the default go writer sorts everything alphabetically and mixes up everything and is kind of...

As a Koa fan I totally understand the move. I would much rather have a better maintained version of routing-controllers only for express than more open bugs.

Yes, I'm having the same the problem

> For anyone else with this issue, see this repo for a workaround: Thanks, made my day. `context: .` was the trick.

@radovskyb any chance of merging this? :)

@radovskyb ping ❤️

Definetely need this. Happens to me a lot. For now you can set `localhost` es an disabled site in the settings

The ticket is still open, which means it is not implemented yet. I have not found time, I'll do it one day :)

Officially given up