
Results 81 comments of Nicco

Also the install script would need some love.

If you want you can work on it, otherwise I can do that too, but not before tuesday as I have quite some stuff to do :)

> Hi, > > Thanks for your hard work, is there any ETA for when this become avaliable officially? I don't have much time to mantain another OS unfortunately :/...

Nice that a lot of people are interessed! About : is zip preinstalled on windows? Also we would need to figure out upgrade and install scripts

Sounds related to #104 I see two ways to approach here: 1. implement some `--json` flag 2. have a new `--omit-resitc` (some better name) flag to suppress only the autorestic...

Adding a script seems a bit too much IMO. But a flag like `allow-fail` to a backend seems reasonable

So you only have `tar` but not `bzip2` installed on Saltstack?

But how do you install restic then? autorestic, being a wrapper around restic has the same exact build chain and release nomenclature. Restic itself has the same distribution with...

I see the problem :) I would however stay consistent with restic itself. If they change their build system autorestic would follow. So let's keep an eye on and...

> Wrong button. Apologies. > > > > It's all good. I just wanted to make sure the ask and use case were both clear. :) > > > >...