
Results 81 comments of Nicco

That would be amazing! It's something i should have done but never found the time :/

I'll also integrate it in the build pipeline

Can you reproduce it? Seemed fine to me on macos and linux

You probably have `/tmp` on a different file system I suppose?

That sounds bad, definitely need to look at the upgrade function.

Absolutely. I thinks the folder error comes from autorestic checking if the directory is accessible, but also should support files. Thanks for reporting

I have no insight into that, what would be required?

I definitely agree that some kind of automated Log parsing would be nice to have. I would keep it generic, having a json flag sound good, like most of clis...

Thanks for the PR, looks good at first sight, will review this week

Thank you very much! I'll need to test some stuff out, like all the path stuff but would be great to have support for that.