Clare S. Y. Huang

Results 15 issues of Clare S. Y. Huang

Created a @staticmethod in the `PrivateKey` class called generate that creates a PrivateKey, which is a random hexadecimal string with `nbytes` bytes, using python's secrets standard module. A corresponding unit...

This is a tentative list of new features/functionality in release 0.7.0. The target release date would be 2022/10/31(it may change depending on the progress of publication in our group). Additional...


The additional direct inversion algorithm assumes 1°-resolution data (since we were in a hurry submitting Neal et al with the code). Generalize the code to handle data of arbitrary latitudinal...


(Question thread) Different in UREF in NS10 and NH18

scientific question

A new QGField object is created at every timestamp. Figure out a more memory-efficient way to handle time-series data. See pull request from Chris for details #45

contributions welcome

This functionality is useful at several places, e.g. computation of LWA flux vectors, and handling hemispheric data input. See #45 for details.

contributions welcome

The instructions and configurations listed in `hn2016_falwa/examples/` to run the sample codes are specific to conda users. It would be great to include instructions for pip/virtualenv users as well, as...

help wanted
good first issue
contributions welcome

This issue is brought up by Pragallva - current `QGField` takes in variables in pressure coordinates, but some model outputs are in $\sigma$/hybrid coordinates. The current solution without changing the...


The following workflow can fulfill the purpose:


From : > [numpy.distutils]( has been deprecated in NumPy 1.23.0. It will be removed for Python 3.12; for Python