Ciara Spencer
Ciara Spencer
I have a layer control tree with selectAllCheckbox set to true for subgroups of child layers. I noticed a bug that could be in part due to my app configuration....
The Foundation module necessitates installation of macadmins python3 which would require an installation which would require an iCloud account sign-in which I'd prefer to not use. What is the...
I edited the main blocklist [here]( to exclude IPV6 since I have disabled IPV6 system-wide. I had no issues with this when added via the uBO extension. However, I was...
- Update to Saved Application State directory path - Commands no longer work with surrounding quotations
**Describe the bug** Upon installation of VSCodium - a Microsoft directory is created in ~/Library/Application\ Support, with a unique deviceid file. **Please confirm that the issue/resolution isn't already documented** -...