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Web applications for CS Mentors.

Results 91 csm_web issues
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Implemented search.py, which has the following functionality: What we can search for, with "query" or "student_absences": - student first/last name - mentor first/last name - student email - mentor email...

With how the `createtestdata` command creates random data, all mentor IDs will match the section IDs; this kind of (very unrealistic) pattern in the test data may cause issues in...

good first issue

See: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/nodejs-support#specifying-a-node-js-version We don't have any specification on which node version to use in Heroku, so there could be breaking changes between versions that we are not aware of, and...

good first issue

The `Override` model has an `overriden_spacetime` field, which is misspelled; this should be `overridden_spacetime` instead. Django should detect that this change is a field rename, so not too much extra...

good first issue

When creating new users, the email field seems to be case sensitive, allowing for two users to be created where one has the email "[email protected]" and the other with "[email protected]"....


Currently, there is no way to have placeholder enrollment times in the `courses` page when enrollment times are not yet known. This has led to a lot of confusion among...

good first issue

Currently if a coordinator is also a student (active or inactive) the student view overrides the mentor/coordinator view. This should be fixed by #468 in the short-term by only showing...

good first issue

Currently if a coordinator is also a student for a section (for example, comms or DE&I is taking a CSM section), then the student view comes up first and blocks...

good first issue

User profile template

Some mentors are requesting an easier way to share announcements and resources with their students rather than emailing them. Mentors would like to share announcements and image/PDF resources with just...
