danilo neves cruz

Results 55 issues of danilo neves cruz

``` TypeError: firebase.firestore.FieldPath is not a constructor ```

respect no-optional argument/option fixes: #62

`hardhat_mine` gives advanced control over mining, block count and timestamp interval, but it's still not possible to include/mine a transaction without increasing the timestamp. this is relevant when testing fee...


**What is the current behavior?** on `LISTENER_RESPONSE` data is stored at `firestore.data[storeAs]`, but on `LISTENER_ERROR` data (`null`) is stored at `firestore.data[storeAs][doc]`, making it harder to handle. **What is the expected...


from [solidity v0.8 breaking changes](https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/080-breaking-changes.html#new-restrictions): > Explicit conversions from negative literals and literals larger than `type(uint160).max` to `address` are disallowed.

this allows apps and integrators to use this project as a library, especially `CallbackValidation`.

`solpp` is the most used solidity preprocessor reference: * https://github.com/merklejerk/solpp * https://www.npmjs.com/package/@nomiclabs/hardhat-solpp

currently, `@codechecks/client` is a peer dependency, which causes warnings on npm/yarn install when not being used.