Connor Ross
Connor Ross
When I clicked to create an issue, I intended to create an issue that token introspection ([RFC-7662]( was included in this authorization server. However after looking a bit more, is...
In the docs the lowest digit of time supported is seconds. The project that I am working with now, generates events at a high velocity and being able to narrow...
I want to check that if a null or undefined is passed into ctx.state.get(undefined), does it return all streams? I know this is a feature, but it seems really dangerous....
it appears to me that when using the service injection allows only one instance per application life-cycle, but no ability to create a one instance per message life-cycle. Use case:...
Had an infinite add event to stream issue due to listening to cosmos change feed and not marking event in the state as handled, so it kept putting the same...
The underlying Azure queue client does not use long polling to get messages, so if there are no messages it instantly returns. Our client then while (running === true) tries...
Azure Queue expects the visibility timeout to be in seconds... however most things in cookie cutter take in milliseconds. So in the source we turn milliseconds from the constructor and...
Have a cookie cutter service that is using protobuf off of Kafka. I only have handlers for X and Y. The Kafka topic has type X, Y and Z. I...