Manoela Ilic

Results 25 comments of Manoela Ilic

You can define that in .cbp-af-header.cbp-af-header-shrink { /\* your styles */ } Note that you'll also have to adjust the transition defined in the first rule of .cbp-af-header Hope it...

Definitely adding it soon!

The button effects still work in the demo: Anything different in the code you use in your version @byhnd ?

Most definitely! It's on our to do list and I'll leave this issue open until we've updated it. Thanks a lot :)

Not all entries have a CanIUse table embedded. But actually your idea of using the API (instead of adding the iframe) is something we should definitely do in the future...

It does show the first version that's supports it now, but with a prefix. ![Can I use Embed Problem]( It should show the first version that supports it unprefixed though,...

Let me know whenever I can help with testing. Thanks!

@norcross Looks good! Thanks a lot, really appreciate it!

These ones look good (no prefixed version): This one looks good, too (Safari, prefixed version): But this one does not seem right: See the...

Thanks again for fixing this. I just noticed that a partially supported property (IE) is shown as "no support": Do you think it has to do with the...