Kristiyan Kostadinov

Results 335 comments of Kristiyan Kostadinov

Here's an example if you want to change the defaults for all progress circles: Otherwise if you want to change it for a particular one, you can get a...

The Angular 2 version doesn't support nesting yet. As for the Angular 1 version, can you check whether the element is actually in the DOM? It's possible that it's being...

I think I know what the issue may be with the gradients, but first: have you tried only with solid colors in Ionic?

@wuilmerj24 you should be able to get the same result by setting a background image on the `round-progress` element: ```css round-progress { background-image: url(./path-to-image); border-radius: 100%; } ```

This looks like the error that is thrown when you try to do something like: ```ts providers; [ {provide: Something, useFactory: () => ...} ] ``` That being said, there...

That seems correct. Is this the complete code or is there anything else around it?

I see. What you could do is initialize the progress circle without an animation like this: ``` ``` And then a little bit later you can set the `current` to...

@devtechvalens it's very hard to tell what might be wrong without a code sample.

The `getOverlayStyle` is only there so the demo works with the various setups. In a "real" scenario, you can achieve the same with CSS.

Version 1.2.1 is locked to Angular 5.x and RxJS 5.5. I've just released 2.0.0 which bumps to Angular 6.x and RxJS 6.x.