Kristiyan Kostadinov

Results 335 comments of Kristiyan Kostadinov

I've had luck running the tests with PhantomJS2 via [karma-phantomjs2-launcher](, although AFAIK PhantomJS2 is still in beta.

Here's the stack trace, I'm not exactly sure whether its find_library that's causing the problem, but its what tipped me off to try and rename the dll: ``` Traceback (most...

Even if we don't need to make any code changes, I think that we'll have to expand the version range in our `peerDependencies`.

I looked into it and it seems like this call will be broken in Luxon 3: We'll have to set the minimum required version to 3.0 which will be...

This is likely an issue on your end since the vertical and horizontal steppers are on the same class:

Can you post an example of your code? It's hard to tell what could be wrong based on the description.

Better repro case from #22593:

Couldn't you get the same result by assigning the entire object as the value and then only taking the field that you want before firing off the request?

> Yes, I know that's possible, but may we can have something like displayWith that allow specifying which value should be saved for form control, to avoid this step of...