Mj Mendoza IV

Results 18 comments of Mj Mendoza IV

[download this DAE file](https://github.com/creek23/smartGL/blob/master/smartglapp/src/main/res/raw/space_cruiser_collada.txt) that was tested to work on my Collada loader. I patterned its usage to WavefrontModel's ```java ColladaModel daeModel = new ColladaModel.Builder(getApplicationContext(), R.raw.spaceship_collada).create(); Object3D myDAE = daeModel.toObject3D();...

Was able to finally [render textured Collada (DAE)!](https://github.com/creek23/smartGL/commit/dd0af2fa482b349259a6ca1057e26cbb1984bead#diff-2be8c6d550122101fadb4d44a873a2e5) -- current limitation is that mesh should be one geometry. Usage is still same with WavefrontModel's ```java Texture mShipTexture = new Texture(getApplicationContext(),...

Had to quick fix the rendering of a single-geometry Collada but with multiple triangles. Now, I tested it with a model which contains 4881 triangles, my framerate went down to...

[So I was able to fix the FPS issue](https://github.com/creek23/smartGL/commit/b0e635097eda85d3eb19d311de5366fc863434bc?diff=split) -- somehow, I generated an Object3D with multiple Face3D (one per triangle). I realized WavefrontModel was generating a single Face3D with...

> are you sure all was perfectly displayed before the optimization? Yes. even tried reverting, and the rendering was okay [as shown in earlier post](https://github.com/smart-fun/smartGL/issues/27#issuecomment-489721344), and framerate went back to...

> And probably it would be great that ColladaModel and WavefrontModel extend from the same abstract parent class (no idea of the name, let's say BaseModel) and put all the...

below is the default rendering ![white_grid](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/171684/56983220-abf93780-6bb5-11e9-93c0-4666e953c699.png) below is the one with the supposed fix. ![black_grid](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/171684/56983234-b4517280-6bb5-11e9-98c4-5db31c3cd53b.png) and no, it's not the PNG image used -- I double-checked it with GIMP and...

I think, the problem is somewhat related to how I implemented my tilemap which caused framerate dropping as [indicated in a separate thread](https://github.com/smart-fun/smartGL/issues/23#issuecomment-493682001) -- I pasted the image used there...

Somehow, I think frame rate drop is somewhat related to how I first wrote the Collada DAE parser -- I had 1 Face3D per triangle inside an Object3D. In this...

Might be a good reference for FBX loader: https://sourceforge.net/p/irrext/code/91/tree/trunk/extensions/scene/IMeshLoader/fbx/ It seems to handle FBX animations as well. While it's itching me to try and attempt to convert the file to...