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MonoGame.Extended copied to clipboard

Extensions to make MonoGame more awesome

Results 121 MonoGame.Extended issues
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This would be an improvement for the existing collision system in the near phase. This extension was rejected from the MonoGame core project and is recommended to be implemented here....


Is this possible? Right now you need to process any `BitmapFont` you want to use through the pipeline, but we'd like to be able to load them at runtime, much...


Lately I've been interested in getting some simple collision detection and response working. **Note** Let me just be clear right up front; I'm not talking about the same type of...


I've been working on the `Camera2D` class a little recently, adding the ability to clamp zoom values #61. That got me thinking about how to implement another feature. The ability...


I have content is named "test.json" and the texture is "test.tex.png" `Content.Load("test");` Throws an overflow exception. **If I change the name of the texture to "test_tex.png", it loads fine.** Seems...


Hi, due to the missing comments in the PolygonF class, I'm not sure if the Contains method behaves correctly or incorrectly. Here's a code example: ``` C# // Create 4...


Rewind() doesn't take effect in SpriteSheetAnimation until after an update. It would make the Animation class more complicated, but Play Pause Stop and Rewind should probably be made virtual so...


Hi i have this for map render: ``` var viewMatrix = ScreenManager.Instance.Camera.GetViewMatrix(); var projectionMatrix = Matrix.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(0, ScreenManager.Instance.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, ScreenManager.Instance.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height, 0, 0f, -1f); #region Under object layers mapRenderer.Draw(mapTiles.GetLayer("Ground"), ref viewMatrix, ref projectionMatrix);...


It appears that the documentation for MonoGame.Extended located at does not reflect any sort of stable version of MonoGame.Extended including the latest tagged version v1.1.0 in NuGet. In fact,...


It returns incorrect values and doesn't take into account negative scale values. This can be seen when creating a matrix using CreateFrom with rotation = 0.296706 radians, scaleX =7 and...
