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MonoGame.Extended copied to clipboard

Extensions to make MonoGame more awesome

Results 121 MonoGame.Extended issues
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The MonoGame/XNA Content Pipeline has been fairly controversial and a source of frustration for many. The Content Pipeline (for MonoGame.Extended) will be removed in future and possibly replaced with something...


Windows 10 UWP project/ use different version of sharpdx/can not compile a prj with Monogame template[UWP] 2.install package monogame.extend 3.can not compile Error The payload contains two or more...

### The Problem ```KeyboardStateExtended.WasKeyJustDown``` checks if the previous keyboard state was down, and if the current keyboard state is Up. However, ```MouseStateExtended.WasButtonJustDown```, which calls the ```WasJustPressed``` method, checks...

> Chunks are used to store the tile layer data for infinite maps. "Currently not supported"


I'm not sure If I'm going about this in the wrong way, but I have some custom properties in tiles Once Its compiled and Loaded via MCGB and Content.Load, looking...


In case you load an tileset that has one image per tile and tileset has no texture set, a Nullreference exception is thrown and the build fails. This fails since...


I recently tried the tiled sample trancparncy was not working. After searching issues I found #358 Maybe the sample should add ```c# _spriteBatch.Begin(blendState: BlendState.AlphaBlend, samplerState: SamplerState.PointClamp, rasterizerState: RasterizerState.CullNone); ```

I'm experiencing a weird issue where our licensing check keeps flagging MonoGame.Extended and MonoGame.Extended.Content.Pipeline as unlicensed. [You can see this in this output link]( (scroll down a bit). I don't...

If you dispose an particle it crashes without exception. The console-window displays a message like: wurde mit Code -1073740940 (0xc0000374) beendet. It seems that the memory is not released correctly....

MonoGame v3.8 Tiled v1.7.1 I have a problem with rendering an isometric .tmx map into Monogame. Here is the map rendered in Tiled : ![inTiled]( Here is the map rendered...