Awesome @digitalLumberjack and @sameersbn! Looking forward to a newer version as well!
@digitalLumberjack @sameersbn Really awesome work you two! My Synology can't wait for this update :) Please press the merge button :D
Hi @wjanssen, Thank you for your feedback. You are right, starting with version **10.6.4-0051** Synology migrated from MariaDB to Postgres. I switched from the Synology maintained image to the official...
This would be a really great feature!
Hi @nohaapav, thank you very much for the super fast feedback! It is a little confusing then that you can select that you want to do so when you create...
I still have the same problem with **Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS** and **Docker 19.03.6**. However, if I add _all_ nodes, even worker nodes, with `docker swarm join --advertise-addr ...` before I...
The merge conflict _should_ be resolved ✅
I think will close this.
Thanks a lot. And thanks again for uploading this. I trying to make this work for a week now already :)
It was not your tutorial, that rescued me and showed me how to achieve that in 30 min. I tried it before on my own, and that did not work...