Christian Pieringer
Christian Pieringer
Hi @fehiepsi, I will try.
Hi @fehiepsi, I was fixing the issue, and I noted that somebody has already fixed it. However, I have a doubt about line 70 in def stack: `logp = jax.nn.logsumexp(exp_lpd_point...
Ok. I can change the parameters on `` to just passing lpd_point into the function. Do you agree? ``` jax.random.PRNGKey(17), X=X_stacking_train, d_discrete=4, X_test=X_stacking_test, exp_lpd_point=lpd_point, tau_mu=1.0, tau_sigma=0.5, test=True, )
Hi @FelipeCybis, do you know if your pull request is in the latest release of the toolbox? I am experimenting the exact error you all describe in the issue. Best.
I have Anaconda 3, but that _style_simple.tplx_ is missing. Where can I find more details how to write a notebook template?
Thank you!