Cain O'Sullivan
Cain O'Sullivan
When calling the ```connector.activate(...)``` method, if the user cancels the network switch in MetaMask I can see the RPC error in the console, but the error isn't propogated to the...
When overriding the default slot, the list positioning no longer works because $refs.input and $refs.resultsList. I'm not sure if there is a way to forward the refs to the default...
Hi, Are there any plans to add support for method level interceptors? I have a project which I have created a custom IServiceMethodProvider implementation for service discovery and would like...
Hi, With the SDK, the ethers package is being included as a devDependency which means that it has to be installed separately when using the package. This should be a...
Hi, I am using a fallback component and each time the component loads, the fallback is displayed first. Is there a way to cache the result such that it only...
### Ethers Version 6.13.0 ### Search Terms effectiveGasPrice ### Describe the Problem I am getting the following error under specific conditions; ``` Error: invalid value for value.index (invalid numeric value...
### Describe the Feature I have some scenarios were I need to call encodeFunctionData() and decodeFunctionResult() and whilst I can do this via the Interface, it would be nice to...