Results 198 comments of Cory Simmons

Same problems. Extra steps like this kind of defeats Brew's purpose for me. For others needing CLI Inkscape, you can just install Inkscape from their website and CLI should be...

I remember that thing. Looks like a lot of good work thrown away. Would love to see this modernized. :+1:

Affiliate programs can get pretty complicated, but adding another paid dependency to this repo seems overboard. Maybe just use Stripe?

Needs a bump to the reinspect version (the refresh icon next to it in dependencies).

@twolfson Absolutely! This would be perfect and I'd implement it in testing suites across a couple of my libraries immediately! :dancer: `40131.8` is the end of the range? So I'd just need to write something that converted `40131.8` to `100`?

I think this is probably out of my JS skill range and I'm in no big rush so I'm happy to wait on your expertise to implement this the correct...

Well, I'll wait until it's implemented then I'll tackle the issue of coming up with a nice standard way to do visual tests with it. Really appreciate your work on...

@nikchosh 1. Fork the repo to your own account 2. Clone that repo to your machine `git clone` 3. Make changes and create commits (I use a tool called...

@bevacqua Nice! Thanks for pinging me. =)