Results 198 comments of Cory Simmons

It'd be really cool if all Lost's rules could accept values in any order. :^\

@peterramsing Feel free to ping me while you're diving into code for explanations about anything. Happy to help you wrap your head around my garbage code. :^)

Awesome, you're doing an amazing job! I'm so happy you took this project over.

I think Lost could help with this. Lost really needs to do a few more things. You need to be able to generate reusable classes with it (e.g. `.col-md-6`) without...

@lozandier So basically give the option to have the grid be a padding-based grid? What is all that `before`, `split`, `after` stuff?

I still don't understand what makes an `after` grid an `after` grid, or a `split` grid a `split` grid. :(

I think that's a good idea. In the meantime I'd love to learn more about these different options. @lozandier You say Susy has all these options?

@sdale-fevo Thanks for this. Got it. @lozandier I'm not sure how I feel about this. Why would we want to create multiple ways for people to create the same grid?...

Too lazy to read that article but you seem pretty passionate and really know your stuff about grids so I'll take your word for it. Your words have moved me......

It's not too hard. Decent amount of busy work though.