Results 198 comments of Cory Simmons

Cloud Vision: Can devs procure their own API keys and get a 1000 limit? 1000 sketches-to-layouts per person might not be too bad. 🤔

Oh god it's the Emacs people! Run!! 🏃‍♂️💨

@11111000000 I apologize for the joke above. I'm re-reading this issue and realize how helpful your suggestion might be (basically free OCR).

You're trying to get `column-width + column-gutter`? Or do you need half a gutter? I think we could add something like `span-width` to do this.

I'd also heavily suggest you check out [postcss-ant](/corysimmons/postcss-ant). It was specifically developed to get whatever sizes you could possibly imagine in an intuitive way. For instance, here is a column,...

Sorry, I hate, and have hated, LESS' syntax so I never ported Jeet to it. Why would you need the full gutter? `span()` works by getting half gutter. I see...

That looks correct. Can you put a reduced test case up somewhere?

Hey, sorry, yes the docs on the website are wrong. I'm so sorry for wasting your time. I'm extremely poor right now or I'd fix them. These docs are correct:...

What error is WebStorm throwing exactly? Jeet can't work with fixed units, but my other projects, [Lost]( and [postcss-ant](, can.