bug #3: when selecting the App in the Finder it claims to have version 'Nitrokey Device Manager'. this is because you've set the 'CFBundleGetInfoString' key in the Info.plist. this key...
after feedly has been added this is also the main blocker for me.
what exactly are the problems that the colon causes? > The only thing that bugs me is the version.after_comma.before_comma pattern that could emerge. I feel that’s quite a pain to...
> version.comma_parts[1] if you do something new like that, could you give me a week of notice before changing any casks to use it?
how about using either `-` or `_` as a replacement for : and add ``` after_hyphen before_hyphen after_underscore before_underscore ```
also, do we have a specific case where the colon has ever produced a problem?
> At least I think so … in Finder you cannot even create a folder containing : i think this i just a Finder issue for compatibility with classic macOS...
i'd be happy to contribute a large (> 3000) dictionary mapping casknames to bundle_ids so that they can be added to the caskfiles automatically. however, bundle-ids change far more frequently...
this is a duplicate of #3593
same with 1.6.0 ``` ~ % file balenaEtcher-1.6.0.zip_folder/ balenaEtcher-1.6.0.zip_folder// Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64 ~ % file /Volumes/balenaEtcher\ 1.6.0/ /Volumes/balenaEtcher 1.6.0/ Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64 ```