i can confirm this. both the CFBundleVersion and CFBundleShortVersion entries are missing from the Info.plist file
this is a regression. version 4.0 did contain the CFBundleVersion
sorry to be impatient, but this is the only issue blocking an otherwise finished app. even just a suggestion where the bug might come from would help me.
thanks very much for your explanation. if i'm able to get it working better i'll post a patch ;-)
> if i'm able to get it working better i'll post a patch i had a look at fixing the issue or even just disabling the syntax highlighting on editing,...
+1 - i'd never use an app if it can't be installed in a subdir of the /Applications folder if this is a limitation of the 'NetworkExtension' framework, have bug...
awesome, thanks ;)
not sure if i have backups of those files. will need to have a look when i am back home - in around 3 weeks
no backups exist. let's leave this open in case anyone still has the file.
hi @deseven we are working on 'MacUpdater' ( ) which allows users to track and auto-update apps like 'iCanHazShortcut' and a few thousand more. obviously there will be issue...