Jean-marie Vrecq
Jean-marie Vrecq
Hello, The union of dependencies has strange effects tested with 3 files: ```cs // script.csx #load "Transform.csx" var transfomater = new Transform (); transfomater.ApplyChanges (); ``` ```cs // Transform.csx #load...
Hello, Maybe it would be good to include the Typescript definitions in the "create" command.
Hello This library is named with `node` inside. but if i correctly read the source there are just one file that depend to node.js `drivers/StdioDriver`. It's correct ? I would...
I am experimenting RhinoInside with the WinFormsApp example. The RhinoWindows.Forms.Controls.ViewportControl behaves unexpectedly. It opens floating windows saved in the file. Being able to have floating windows is good enough, but...