Jean-marie Vrecq
Jean-marie Vrecq
Hello, For the Promise, this is the principle of Neutralino. it's talking to a background server. It's a shame that all calls return the type Promise For the .d.ts file,...
Hell @danisss9 , indeed we say the same thing :) Hello @shalithasuranga In this PR, I make sure to respect your build system (webpack) but I have a better result...
Hello, Note that I did not test with `neutralino.js` in a WebWorker.
Hello @shalithasuranga , It's just a painless solution. And I don't have any use for using Neu inside a worker either. Maybe if Danidre14 explained the use, I would help...
Hello @shalithasuranga For everyone, I created a project yesterday with `neu create`. I expected to find `neutralino.d.ts` in the `resources` folder. This allows you to have typechecking when editing `main.js`,
it's not really complicated to implement this: ```ts const editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById("container"), { value: [ "const readonlyRange = new monaco.Range (10, 0, 15, 0)", "editor.onKeyDown (e => {", " const...
Indeed my comment is a little naive. There are many special cases to deal with. I hadn't seen your post and code, and created mine with a different approach. I...
Yes of course, when we open a Rhino file saved **without** floating windows in a ViewportControl, it defines its own event handler when we open a Rhino file saved **with**...
Hello @tongbong, My code is I have a doubt with `RhinoApp.RunScript` Indeed, in Rhino, there is no problem with a floating window, but this is not the behavior of...