Prabin Poudel
Prabin Poudel
@abhaynikam Bumping this up for the review from your side
@anilonrails Did you get into some errors? If you can post those then it will be easier to debug and provide you with guidance in the right direction. I am...
I got same error when trying to load image from online, how can this be solved?
@andrewculver I should have checked and tested properly, sorry. I will fix as required and push new changes soon. Thanks.
@andrewculver I have added the following code to reload the page before we stop the system test with magic test: ``` # reloading the page so that activeMagicTestSession variable is...
@kukuandroid were you able to get it working? I had setup linking and app would receive code and token, but I not able to get access_token, refresh_token. I am confused...