Prabin Poudel
Prabin Poudel
@SafaaB4G Any update on this? were you able to solve this?
@abhaynikam I have fixed code as per your suggestions and also replied to some suggestions. Could you take a look and review the PR again when you have time?
@abhaynikam Bumping this up for the review from your side
@abhaynikam Rebased and now ready to merge.
@abhaynikam Test is failing due to some imagemagick issue, I will take a look at it later in this week and see if I can resolve the issue. Same issue...
@abhaynikam Would it be possible to merge this? After coming back to this project after a long time, I just spent 2 hours debugging failing tests only to realize there...
@abhaynikam Could you take a look at this PR when you are free and let me know if you would like me to update anything? Thanks for your time.
It was intentionally designed to raise for error if rspec is missing insttead of running our generators to install it. This was based on the assumption that in a Rails...
@abhaynikam Could you review this PR? I have fixed the merge conflicts with the main branch now.
@abhaynikam I have updated the code to reflect your suggestions and have added Authentication for API as well as UI instead of showing a message for users to configure themselves....