
Results 56 comments of Connecteev

Hi there, any idea when this will be done?

Seeing a similar error when I try to use it with Vue. See #5

@transitive-bullshit thank you for the tip. I just tried this but it doesn't do anything. Any idea whether I am importing Roughjs correctly? ``` import { Bar } from "vue-chartjs";...

@transitive-bullshit thank you so much :) I did try your suggestion and I couldnt get it to work (not sure if I am doing it right though). Here's what I...

+1 If I can get this repo to work (See #5) then I'd be interested in this (ie customizing the hover behavior and not making it wiggle for a whole...

Thanks for the links @manniL. So there are 2 threads here: 1. Re: understanding current functionality: I agree, the nuxt documentation assumes a lot and has no real examples....I still...

@manniL Re: improving the docs, I'll add a separate enhancement for that so as not to muddy this one

Thank you @sdras for filing this issue and @pimlie for looking into it. I've been experiencing this issue multiple times a day for months...and only today decided to finally do...

Also just thought of this...a few times when this has happened, I saw a "waiting for socket connection" or similar message. Hope this helps narrow things down..

@hjl19911127 thanks for this repo. A fix for this issue would be great