
Results 56 comments of Connecteev

@guillaumebriday quick question here... How can I see the websockets / pusher functionality in the todolist app? I added pusher keys to my laravel/.env and nuxt/.env but don't see anything....

+1. That fixed it. Thanks @BMFX

Awesome, can't wait. Once we have the guidelines and hooks for creating extensions defined, the # of community contributions to Wink will start to take off. I can think of...

Any thoughts on this, @themsaid ? I really want to add categories to mywink blog posts would be great to either add those or define how we can extend wink...

+1! Amazon SES is quite widely used...I'd love to be able to use this package with it.

@specialtactics +1 for I know Auth0 makes it simple also but I have no idea why indie makers and devs would use it, they charge per user, and it's...

@egdavid got it. Love to see support for Laravel passport.

Hi @JonoB that's exciting :) but I urgently need email drip campaigns / automation functionality. Is there a branch where that is currently available? I didnt find it in