Hi. Eclim seems doesn't work with neovim; there is a planning about compatibility? thank you
@JulioJu Mmmh. Yes I did. I have some problems with installation. I dont' have vim or gvim installed, only nvim (reinstalled many times). My configuration (https://github.com/componhead/dotfiles/blob/master/.config/nvim/) This is my stack...
I installed `vim-gtk3` but without luck (gvim doesn't exist anymore on my sources). It crash building too. [eclim-building.txt](https://github.com/ervandew/eclim/files/1421190/eclim-building.txt)
The reason is an axcessive size of "Custom key mappings"
Surely. If you cut from `##### SNIP ME HERE #####` it would works [vimium-options-debug.json](https://github.com/philc/vimium/files/13491658/vimium-options-debug.json)
The issue is that I cannot see the preview. Maybe the current asciinema can help: https://asciinema.org/a/2K3fzdzAnyf5bC1gz8Uaw3CUG thank you
Thank you for the feedback.