Weihang Li
Weihang Li
@Tobe2d hi may i ask what's your pytorch version? for me i got `The detected CUDA version (12.1) mismatches the version that was used to compile PyTorch (11.7). Please make...
i saw this from v1.0 [https://github.com/cvg/pyceres/blob/179883ec69b0acff7bb2e96eb22cca9390c1404d/_pyceres/factors/bundle.cc#L80](https://github.com/cvg/pyceres/blob/179883ec69b0acff7bb2e96eb22cca9390c1404d/_pyceres/factors/bundle.cc#L80) so the `AutoDiffCostFunction` is removed becasue of this? > We don't bind `AutoDiffCostFunction` because Ceres cannot auto-diff through Python code. Thanks!
And is the geometry of Sophus not going to be suported in Pyceres in the future?
Did you solve this? After installing glog 0.6.0 from source I got this when import pyceres and import pycolmap ``` F20240309 20:35:05.630461 108393 utilities.cc:365] Check failed: !IsGoogleLoggingInitialized() You called InitGoogleLogging()...
now it works when I install the colmap again from source after updating the glog to 0.6.0 My ceres=2.1 colmap=3.9.1
when trying hugging face ui, i found the result is much better than the result from github code