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The official code and datasets for "Zero-Shot Multi-View Indoor Localization via Graph Location Networks" (ACMMM 2020)

Zero-Shot Indoor Localization

[Paper] [Poster] [Video]

The official evaluation code of the paper Zero-Shot Multi-View Indoor Localization via Graph Location Networks which has been accepted at ACM MM 2020. This repo also includes two datasets (ICUBE & WCP) used in the paper and useful code snippets for reading datasets.

Please cite our paper if you use our code/datasets or feel inspired by our work :)

  title={Zero-Shot Multi-View Indoor Localization via Graph Location Networks},
  author={Chiou, Meng-Jiun and Liu, Zhenguang and Yin, Yifang and Liu, An-An and Zimmermann, Roger},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia},

Especially for ICUBE dataset, you might also want to cite the following paper:

  title={Multiview and multimodal pervasive indoor localization},
  author={Liu, Zhenguang and Cheng, Li and Liu, Anan and Zhang, Luming and He, Xiangnan and Zimmermann, Roger},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on Multimedia},



Note that for both datasets, the name of each image follows the naming of {xx}_000{yy}.jpg where xx is the location ID and yy in {01,02,...,12} means different views of the location and 01-04, 05-08 and 09-12 are sets of four views of the location.

  • ICUBE Dataset: collected at the ICUBE building (21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119613) at NUS. Put the image data under data/icube/.
  • West Coast Plaza (WCP) Dataset: collected at the WCP shopping mall (154 West Coast Rd, Singapore 127371). Put the image data under data/wcp/.


Annotations are provided in this repository. We provide description for each file as follows:

  • {dataset}_path.txt -> Each line represents a "path" or "road", where for each line there are three numbers: (1) road ID (2) start location ID (3) end location ID
  • loc_vec.npy -> A 2D array in size of (n_location, 2) where the line i is the coordinate of location i in increasing order (the first line is location 1). Generated from {dataset}_path.txt.
  • adjacency_matrix.npy -> (for zero-shot use) Adjacency matrix of the locations. A 2D array in size of (n_location + 1, n_location + 1). The first row and column should be omitted before use. Generated from loc_vec.npy. Note that currently the adjacency_matrix.npy file for wcp dataset is missed; you have to generate it yourself according to wcp_path.txt.
  • nonzl_loc_to_dict.pkl -> (for zero-shot use) A dictionary that maps dataset's seen location IDs into all (training) class IDs.
  • all_loc_to_dict.pkl -> (for zero-shot use) A dictionary that maps all dataset's seen & unseen location IDs into all (training & validation) class IDs.

Pre-trained Feature

  • loc_vec_trained_{214,394}.npy -> (for zero-shot use) Trained node features with the proposed Map2Vec using


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • PyTorch 1.1 (possibly compatible with versions from 0.4 to 1.5)
  • Torchvision (to be installed along with PyTorch)
  • Other packages in requirements.txt (including torch-geometric==1.3.0)
conda create -n zsgln python=3.6 scipy numpy
conda activate zsgln
# Go to to install PyTorch with a compatiable gpu version
# Then install other requirements as follows
pip install -r requirements.txt


Download the trained models here and put them into the checkpoints folder follow the following predefined structure. You can also run ./ to download them automatically (while you need to install gdown via pip install gdown first).



Default dataset is icube. You may change to wcp as needed. Note that the code assumes using 1 GPU & will take up around ~2GB memory. To change to cpu only, make some changes to the codes.

Ordinary Indoor Localization

Note that the first number in printed top1_count corresponds to meter-level accuracy in Table 1 and the first 6 numbers correspond to the CDF curves in Figure 5.

GLN (GCN based)

python --network gcn --dataset icube --ckpt checkpoints/icube/standard/resnet152-best_model-gln.pth

GLN + Attention (GAT based)

python --network gat --dataset icube --ckpt checkpoints/icube/standard/resnet152-best_model-gln_att.pth

Zero-shot Indoor Localization

Note that the printed top1_count corresponds to CDF@k and Top{1,2,3,5,10} Acc corresponds to Recall@k in Table 2. MED are manually computed with linear interpolation finding the value resulting in 0.5 in top1_count.


python --network baseline --dataset icube --ckpt checkpoints/icube/zero-shot/resnet152-best_model-baseline.pth

GLN (GCN based)

python --network gcn --dataset icube --ckpt checkpoints/icube/zero-shot/resnet152-best_model-gln.pth

GLN + Attention (GAT based)

python --network gat --dataset icube --ckpt checkpoints/icube/zero-shot/resnet152-best_model-gln_att.pth

(Optional) Computing Map2Vec

Refer to for computing Map2Vec embeddings for both icube and wcp datasets.

Note that currently the adjacency_matrix.npy file for wcp dataset is missed; you have to generate it yourself from loc_vec.npy. However, only for verifying/evaluation purpose, you may skip this step to use the loc_vec_trained_394.npy directly.


Our code & datasets are released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for additional details.


Feel free to drop an email to [email protected]