Christopher Gross
Christopher Gross
Pushed up a new version, up to date w/ latest in integration and fixes for the things mentioned here.
Fixed the last few things -- a few comments were hidden.
Added a docker-compose & README to get local SQ up and running.
Was fighting with getting everything rewired to use JEXL3.3 instead of 2.1.1. Saw that a new `jexl3` branch popped in. Running from that, I have determined that DelegatingArithmetic.contains() and EdgePreconditionArithmetic.contains()...
Okay. Wasn't sure which set comparisons to use then. I'll look over that branch when it's done.
> Is the main goal of this work to prevent the user from _accidentally_ running the DW start/stop scripts as root? I believe that was the goal. There weren't many...