Cody B. Daig
Cody B. Daig
I have the exact same issue and I'm using a directory that I've been using for months to develop on react native without issues. `/Users/codydaig/dev/ioverlander/ioverlander-client-react` [version] xcode: Xcode 13.1. Build...
This works when I run it in terminal, but not in the terminal in VSCODE. (So annoying). It's consistently working in Terminal but not VScode.
I had this same issue. I had to run `pdfjs-dist@v3` even though the only thing in package-lock.json requiring and setting the version was react-pdf and that was marked correctly, npm...
@Jimbob001 Not sure about yarn. I'm not using yarn for this project, just npm. After the last few days, I haven't seen an error come through in over 100,000 pdf...
@Jimbob001 Good luck. To clarify one piece, I've installed version `3.11.174`