John Carlson

Results 47 issues of John Carlson

The blog got updated, but the running sample code didn't. This provides a patch to the running sample, I think

I generated JSON schema from these examples in this zip. The schema is horrible. Suggestions?

var fs = require('fs'); var jjv = require('jjv'); var X3dJsonSchema = { "$schema": "", "title": "JSON Schema X3D V3.3", "description": "Development JSON Schema for X3D V3.3 ", "type": "object", "properties":...

var fs = require('fs'); var jjv = require('jjv'); var X3dJsonSchema = { "$schema": "", "title": "JSON Schema X3D V3.3", "description": "Development JSON Schema for X3D V3.3 ", "type": "object", "properties":... primary equation is: rho = A + B * cos (C * phi) * cos (D * theta) -= spherical coordinates and animated values of A, B, C, and...

Sample project is here I think I may need to use more than autoclass --- Want to back this issue? **[Post a bounty on it!](** We accept bounties via...

![image]( (no rush, I can view it with three.js and babylon.js fairly well. (looking for an integration with X3D). Thanks!

Please provide an example of running the python scripts generated in Thanks!


java -cp "../j2js-compiler/libs/commons-io-1.4.jar;../j2js-compiler/libs/bcel-5.1.jar;../j2js-compiler/target/classes/" com.j2js.J2JSCompiler . "target/classes;../j2js-jre/target/classes/;../j2js-agent/target/classes/" net.x3djsonld.abox target/assemblies [INFO] Entry point is net.x3djsonld.abox#main(java.lang.String[])void [INFO] Creating assembly .\target\assemblies [INFO] Resolving class path [.\target\classes, .\..\j2js-jre\target\classes, .\..\j2js-agent\target\classes] [INFO] Cross-Compiling java.lang.RuntimeException [INFO] Cross-Compiling java.lang.Throwable...