John Carlson
John Carlson
When I looked at it for my repository, the dates looked off by a month, so I looked in the code, and voila!
Here's the script I run. Perhaps there is an issue with it? #!/bin/sh find ~/Downloads/ -name '_json' -print| head -1 | xargs node goodJSON.js | xargs -L1 -t python
It could be how arrays are validated as well.
2 other JSON validators pass this. I would like to know if they are wrong or not.
Is there an alternate package which doesn't have the vunerability?
While this is nice for documentation, I no longer require it for now.
My boss said, oh, let's update to 2020-12, and I hesitantly said we kind of have it working for draft07. So now we're kind of stuck with jsonschema instead of...
It could be that Transforms are nested (like HTML divs) and somehow don't show up
I'm not sure this has been overcome by events.
Can you give an estimate for the cost of fixing this, or suggest a better JSON validator for use? Email [email protected]. I am getting 209 errors in Ajv. I have...