Hiroki Kokubun

Results 31 comments of Hiroki Kokubun

Okay, I'm looking into the issue... First, what is the file type of the buffer? It seems that the file extension of the file is `js`, not `jsx`. I have...

> You are using just HTML tags, which are parsed better: The original issue by @patchworkCode contains HTML tags. Your issue seems a bit different. --- ``` hi! link TSConstructor...

Do you know what the border is? I mainly use Vim and don't know much about it.

`NormalFloat` is for background of the floating window. According to my research, `FloatBorder` is appropriate for this case. I'll add color definitions around it, please wait...

Could you share a URL for those codes? I'd like to test them in my environment.

Please share a example code. This is important to investigate the issue.

Thank you for your contribution, and sorry for my late reply... - Could you fix the app name in readme from `iterm2` to `iTerm2`? - I prefer that the cursor...

> it's done for cursor color in the light theme and readme fix is also pushed. Thank you! Here is a screenshot of `Links`: (`005bbb` is not a part of...

Thank you! Could you re-check a color for `Curosor`? It seems to be back to the previous value. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/602961/102002923-a88fd100-3d44-11eb-8e84-9e45c3c398d9.png)

`Links` seems to be back to the previous value again... https://github.com/lamartire/iceberg-iterm/commit/bc40281501f90cecafb079e37396d51d7ae9a20d#diff-a35d9d7d08ac24d890c8b56d8b3e815ceb9c00c940edd384d435a23e732fb143R308-R315 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/602961/102194504-bd18c880-3f00-11eb-99f3-2f2a1599a48f.png)