
Results 38 issues of Rock

Enumerating over groups seems to require a different syntax in ansible 2.2.0

Hi, For now, I only know of 3 missing dates/ranges: - anytime before 2020-11-22 - 2021-09-14 - 2022-05-01 Would it make sense to have a json file that automatically lists...

On the configurator, I select the `helix/rev2/oled` keyboard and use this JSON layout. When I press `Compile`, I get the following error. JSON layout: ``` json {"version":1,"notes":"","documentation":"\"This file is a...

I have added the plugin with vim-plug as per the instructions, installed it, and went about editing a markdown file moving naively (`jjjjjjjjjwwwww`) to see the plugin work. But nothing...


Flow supports `export interface`, but importjs doesn't pick up on these statements when auto-importing. A workaround is to use the same workaround as for older Flow versions: ```flow interface iMyInterface...

help wanted

When connecting to IRC with irssi via ZNC, the `NICK` is sent too late. irssi isn't aware of the actual nick and uses the wrong one to set mode `+i`....

Given an ormconfig.js file with: ```js module.exports = { // ... seeds: ['src/**/*.seed.ts'], factories: ['src/**/*.factory.ts], } ``` The ormconfig file is located at `apps/api/src/config/ormconfig.js` within a monorepo, and `package.json` is...

Compare: ``` $ bundle exec rubocop Inspecting 14 files ............W. Offenses: spec/my_spec.rb:42:1: W: Lint/MissingCopEnableDirective: Re-enable Lint/HandleExceptions cop with # rubocop:enable after disabling it. # rescue SystemExit # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions ^...

I'm really struggling wrapping my head around the algorithm for some reason. I think visualizing the curve like in the README but for my particular config would help. Is there...

**Context:** - GOOD Playwright Version: 1.37.1 - BAD Playwright Version: 1.39.0 - Operating System: Linux (Mint 20.3 locally, Ubuntu on GH Actions) - Extra: Node v18.15.0 **Code Snippet** This is...
