
Results 43 comments of Rock

Thanks. I updated to 8.2 and I now see the popup. I *think* I had restarted vim and didn't see the suggestions on 8.0 but I'm not certain that I...

Ctrl-r to switch to grub2 mode solved the issue for me on several laptops using 1.0.74, MBR, and Linux mint cinnamon 20.3.

Couldn't `>> :nope!~hey_its_m@user/cxl NICK :cxl` be the first thing ZNC sends, even before `>> 001 nope :Welcome to the Libera.Chat Internet Relay Chat Network cxl`? Just spitballing here, I...

An example of how to unit test guards would be nice, in particular the `canActivate` method which requires an `ExecutionContext`.

Thanks @duzun, I hope this gets merged... Using your fork in the meantime :)

I'm having this issue as well. How do I use `preserve`? Upon reading the output of `redshift -m randr:help`, I tried `redshift -m randr preserve=1`, but it still gets rid...

It worked with the preserve option, thanks. I would also think that preserve should be on by default, it would make sense since if you care enough to have an...

@jonls, from which version is the `randr:preserve` option available in? Ubuntu 16.04 installs 1.10 and the option isn't there.

Thanks, can't the issue be closed then?

I installed 1.11 from source a while ago on my Mac running elementary, and it worked IIRC. Now I'm using Ubuntu on an x230 and the changes introduced by the...