Yanlin Jiang

Results 19 issues of Yanlin Jiang

Is there someone run .ts file on production server?

Image this example: ```ts class Pet extends Model { @field({ required: true }) id: number } class Cat extends Pet { @field({ min: 3, max: 20 }) name: string }...

#### Issue description Currently, It cannot parse properly when webpack5 config library type to `module`. Because webpack5 append some codes like `export {a, b, c}` to the end of the...

Status: Ready for PR
type: Feature
flag: Community help wanted

**Your Environment** * **Prettier version**: 2.5.1 * **node version**: 16.14.0 * **package manager**: pnpm@6 * **IDE**: VScode **Describe the bug** Cannot format typescript type-only importing. **To Reproduce** ```ts import {...


**Do you want to request a *feature* or report a *bug* (建议还是bug) ?** bug **What is the current behavior? (现有状况)** [https://github.com/weui/react-weui/blob/master/src/components/tab/tab.js#L38](https://github.com/weui/react-weui/blob/master/src/components/tab/tab.js#L38) Can't change defaultIndex after first render. **What is the...


Unlock macOS 11+ or 12+. Support `arm64` arch.

I understand that the main purpose of `http-proxy` is to proxy http. Is it possible to set the target to ipc unix sock? ```js proxy.web(req, res, { target: '/tmp/webpack-dev-server.sock' });...

Most frontend project use tsconfig paths. And import scss like this `@import '@/style/theme';`. ```json // tsconfig.json { "compilerOptions": { "paths": { "@/*": ["./src/*"] } } } ```

Type: Enhancement

Currently, all endpoints responds a json. Is there a way to get the image directly? e.g. https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/image/random.jpg So that we can embed in markdown: ```md ![](https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/image/random.jpg) ```