Yanlin Jiang

Results 14 comments of Yanlin Jiang

`cn-north-1` is "special" region. I use `serverless` deploy to this region one year ago. It's not only `EnvironmentVariablesFeature is not supported`. Nearly 20% CF task will failure and cannot rollback....

My style like this: ```ts // ./workers/md5.worker.ts import md5 from './lib/md5' export function md5(file: File) { return md5(file) } ``` ```ts // then in the consumer: import * as md5Worker...

@screendriver My webpack config is default and simple: ```js { test: /\.worker\.js$/, use: [ { loader: 'workerize-loader' }, ] } ``` When you `import * as md5Worker from './workers/md5.worker'`. You...

oops! I'm sorry. I forget my ts files compiled by vscode task. I think you need update your `webpack.config.js` like this: ```js module: { rules: [ { test: /\.worker\.ts$/, use:...

如果是OSX, 最好是安装 watchman `brew install watchman`, create-react-app 需要这个监视文件改动, 如果没有的话会使用 node 自带的 fs 模块监视文件, 但是因为文件太多, 超过了系统允许的最大数量, 所以无法启动(Unable to start server) 错误信息中已经提醒你如果不想安装 watchman 可以改动系统参数, 但我记得重启就会失效. ``` sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=5242880 sudo sysctl...

Nice to have more filters support. `/github subscribe owner/repo pulls +author:@me`

+1 There are only single field client state in examples. `visibilityFilter: String`, `isLike: Boolean`. When I try to store an json object into cache. I cannot find a way to...

因为 models 名取自 `target.constructor.name`. JS 一压缩就没了.