Claire Murray
Claire Murray
Following the directions in the docs for [creating a new CNN ](, users running `stella` version 0.0.5 (the version that is installed via pip, see Issue #20) encounter a key...
Hello! Following your documentation for [Creating A New CNN](, after pip installing `stella` (version=0.0.5) I get the following error: ``` --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) /var/folders/04/6pd9ml351599_h45qtqtg_7m0001md/T/ipykernel_64986/ in 3...
Add documentation explaining how filter libraries are created (being addressed by PR #757). Also, include version control so that the BEAST checks to make sure it's using the correct, up-to-date,...
Would be great to have the option to bin source densities on a log scale (in addition to linear, which is the current option). Need to test which is better!
It looks like the beast settings documentation ( needs an update to include all required parameters and to remove out-of-date parameters. It is also clear that this file needs to...
I wrote a new routine to plot some sanity-check level diagnostics for the input ASTs, ideally to be used (along with plot_ast_histogram) to make sure that the input ASTs look...