Claire Murray
Claire Murray
Interesting! When I try to pip install version=0.1.0 (via a requirements file in a new environment) I get a conflict between stella and other packages. e.g.,: ``` ERROR: Cannot install...
will add that it all works when I install from github, e.g.: `pip install git+`
@afeinstein20 pinging you to resurface this issue -- can you update stella to use the latest lightkurve version? The Hello Universe notebook example has long been broken, and I think...
working on this for hackday (12/4/20)!
I'll have a look at this sometime in the next few days :)
So I checked this plot for the AST results for SMC_6 from Scylla (post removing NaNs) and I don't see the same population (bright sources recovered faint as in above)....
For the METAL example (yay the same one in "metal_small" in beast-examples!), I re-created the initial plot and then just plotted the x,y coordinates of all the weird ASTs (defined...
~~I'll work on this for hack day~~ (update: did not make progress! this is still wide open!)
I am currently working on this! PR #196 is a start. Currently, I am fiddling with AST files to go along with a full brick (15) example PHAT dataset for...
1.5 years later I am working on this again! In the beast-examples repository, @christinawlindberg and I are working on including a cutout of M31-B21-WEST (new PHAT photometry of Brick 21)...