videomonkey copied to clipboard
ffmpeg based video encoding tool for Mac OSX 10.6 and above
I'm not sure if this is a bug, but the path was writable and if the file format didn't support metadata how could it do it using the encode /...
If you happen to move the video file that is currently being processed, or is in the queue, or the folder that contains the video file, Video Monkey will stop...
Try to tag any movie that has been remade, and try to get the OLDER version of the film. The interface does some funky blinking of the title pull-down and...
Have noticed that lots of avi files don't remember the Playback position in iOS6 (ie. when you click Done in the Apple Video Player when not at the start). Normally...
Hey Guys, I have always downloaded torrents that come in MP4 and video monkey convert to AVI to play on my TV. Never had an issue. I just put a...
Everytime I export as a swf there is no sound attached. It works fine for quicktime movies. Very important for me to find a solution soon! I've tried altering the...
Just converted a Quicktime .MOV to a .WMV. Using Mac on 10.6.8 The end result is a video that plays upside down.
1) Support full Automator integration 2) Support a "transcode every file that is put in folder A" with output settings depending on the file that is input.. example: if the...
AIC files are not supported by ffmpeg. The only way to encode them is to use movtoy4m to split out the video. This only works on a machine that has...
I'm trying to encode an MKV file (using the newest version 0.14 downloaded today) and I get an error message. It did find the metadata but failed during the encoding...