python-elasticsearch-logger copied to clipboard
Python Elasticsearch handler for the standard python logging framework
client_cert and ca_certs are new parameters of CMRESHandler. CERT_AUTH is an alais for NO_AUTH to support both cert + HTTP auth for other authentication methods.
Suggestion for implementing #49.
It is great to support multiple elasticsearch nodes as you do. It would be nice to be able to specify the hostname, scheme, and port in a single string: Thanks...
The elasticsearch-py documents recommend turn on sniffing when application is long-running to make sure client is aware of the changes about the cluster location. I think it is worth trying...
turn on sniffing as in issue #41 .
I've opened the PR #40 ,I think `msg` should not be included by default.
`msg` is not included in logging.Formatter documents, and will be included in the elasticsearch message body, as you're not excluding it here. If you using this handler just for one...
For configuring logging with YAML, it would be convenient to add support for enum strings for `auth_type` and `index_name_frequency`. By changing [this line]( for `auth_type` in `CMRESHandler.__init__()` the code can...
… the 'host' can't be resolved either via DNS or via local-hosts file. Setting 'localhost' under such cases.
I have the following configuration in my Django: ``` ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT = 'https://search-fashionexchange-{uuid}'.format( uuid=settings.GET_SECRET('ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT_UUID')) LOGGING = { ... 'handlers': { 'elasticsearch': { 'level': 'INFO', 'class': 'cmreslogging.handlers.CMRESHandler', 'hosts': [{'host': ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT, 'port': 80}],...