Vinod Viswakarma

Results 3 comments of Vinod Viswakarma

hi, change this line in plugins/cordova-safe/src/android/conceal.gradle ``` repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { // change version 1.0.0 ro 1.1.3 compile('com.facebook.conceal:conceal:1.1.3@aar') { transitive = true } } android { packagingOptions {...

I also waiting Laravel 10 support

hi, I am too facing same issue `E/AndroidRuntime( 5035): java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure delivering result ResultInfo{who=null, request=11012, result=1002, data=Intent { }} to activity {com.example.hello_word/com.example.hello_word.MainActivity}: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel$Result.success(java.lang.Object)'...