
Results 6 issues of claudyus

I try to make a DB diagram of a postgresql database using eralchemy version 1.2.7 and I get the following error: ``` /home/cmignanti/.envs/labjack/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/ SAWarning: Did not recognize type 'citext' of...

Evaluate the opportunity to integrate the pipework project as network configuration tool to operate independently by lxc-config file. In this scenario the default lxc network interface could be used as...


This thread is to track improvement that could be imported from the robvdl fork, otherwise we cannot simple cherry-pick commits due to his deep app rework.

help wanted

pre-release to fix ``` Preparativi per estrarre .../lwp_0.6-61-gadff84e_all.deb... Estrazione di lwp (0.6-61-gadff84e) su (0.6-34-gbea07d8)... Configurazione di lwp (0.6-61-gadff84e)... Installazione della nuova versione del file di configurazione /etc/lwp/lwp.example.conf... * Auth type:...


Hi all, using the OctoPrint Version 1.4.0, trying to install the OctoPNP plugin I get the following error: ``` Installing plugin "OctoPNP" from /home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip --disable-pip-version-check install

Hi rviscomi, I tried you library on my ghpages site and I have a problem with ajax during data loading. I track down the problem to this line of code:...