@jacobmh1177 Hi jacob, I commented you on issue #142 . I solved the problem with the data source. Did you see?
@sandeepmistry Hi sandeep, I tried to add `bleHID.setAdvertisedServiceUuid("1812");` but it seems nothing changes. In the debug I can see that it subscribes to Data Source but not to Notification Source....
@sandeepmistry Hi sandeep, I tried to create two different `void setup`, one for the ancs service and the other one for the hid service. When I load only ancs service...
@sandeepmistry Hi sandeep, I tried to reduce the sketch and see the amount of RAM used. The first test, that I did, is to add the HID Multimedia(`bleHID.addHID(bleMultimedia)`) and the...
@sandeepmistry I'm using the Arduino mega2560. I have the same problem also with the ancs example. When I try to add different remote attributes it doesn't work anymore. It works...
@bojh I'm using the nrf8001. I wanted to use both keyboard and multimedia, but it doesn't work. The native softdevice call `sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add` I can use it also with the nrf8001?
@bojh Thanks for your answers. I enabled the nrf8001 debug but when I try to add more than one attribute the system doesn't work and I'm not able to see...
In the HID_test example, in void setup(), if i put both `bleHID.addHID(bleKeyboard);` `bleHID.addHID(bleMultimedia);` and then `bleHID.begin();` `Serial.println(F("BLE HID"));` in the serial monitor it doesn't print "BLE HID" but stops working...