arduino-BLEPeripheral copied to clipboard
multiple addHID instance problem
Hi all, I try to use the HID_test example from arduino-BLEPeripheral library for interfacing with my IPhone. The problem is that The program work properly if I instance only one addHid:
but when I try to add the keyboardHID:
The system does not work, it seem in loop in setup() function or the system in in continous reset.
If somebody had this kind of problem, please help me.
@claudioarduino what board are you using? It could be a RAM limitation ....
@sandeepmistry I'm using the Arduino mega2560. I have the same problem also with the ancs example. When I try to add different remote attributes it doesn't work anymore. It works only with one addRemoteAttribute
. How could it be possible?
@claudioarduino I do not know how many attributes do want to create. I had a similar problem, adding service characteristics. I found that there is a native softdevice call (e.g. sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add
) in nRF51822.cpp, where the return value is not yet evaluated and have found that my application has reached a (preallocated) memory limit. At Nordic devzone, I have found that there is a limit with 1.5kB
So, the first test would be, if that is the case in your context.
@sandeepmistry .... I can do a PR to create a DEBUG message in that cases.
Here is the snippet to check on errors for adding characteristics:
uint32_t ret=sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(BLE_GATT_HANDLE_INVALID, &characteristicMetaData, &characteristicValueAttribute, &this->_localCharacteristicInfo[localCharacteristicIndex].handles);
if (ret!=NRF_SUCCESS) {
Serial.print("sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add ERROR: ");
Serial.print(characteristic->uuid()); Serial.print(": ");
switch (ret) {
case NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR: Serial.println("INVALID_ADDR: Invalid pointer supplied."); break;
case NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM: Serial.println("INVALID_PARAM: Invalid parameter(s) supplied, service handle, Vendor Specific UUIDs, lengths, and permissions need to adhere to the constraints."); break;
case NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE: Serial.println("INVALID_STATE: Invalid state to perform operation, a service context is required."); break;
case NRF_ERROR_FORBIDDEN: Serial.println("FORBIDDEN: Forbidden value supplied, certain UUIDs are reserved for the stack."); break;
case NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM: Serial.println("NO_MEM: Not enough memory to complete operation."); break;
case NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE: Serial.println("DATA_SIZE: Invalid data size(s) supplied, attribute lengths are restricted by @ref BLE_GATTS_ATTR_LENS_MAX."); break;
... same has to be done for services an descriptors to be on the save side at development time.
@bojh I'm using the nrf8001. I wanted to use both keyboard and multimedia, but it doesn't work. The native softdevice call sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add
I can use it also with the nrf8001?
@claudioarduino nrf8001 has a completely different implementation, because it acts as a external chip and is realized to tell the configuration in sent messages. I'm not deep inside, but you should check if there is a chance to get, if the creation is accepted or an error has occurred. "Serial" debugging in the library source does help in such cases, to explore what happens really.
@bojh Thanks for your answers. I enabled the nrf8001 debug but when I try to add more than one attribute the system doesn't work and I'm not able to see the serial debugging. I think there must be something to change.
@claudioarduino I think you have to add your own Serial.println() commands to see what happens.
In the HID_test example, in void setup(), if i put both
and then
Serial.println(F("BLE HID"));
in the serial monitor it doesn't print "BLE HID" but stops working after bleHID.begin();
Instead if I put only
it works and prints on the serial monitor "BLE HID".