Travis Clarke

Results 32 comments of Travis Clarke

> ... this client library has pretty much stopped active development.... If this is the case, @zorkian can you please archive the repo so people do not continue to spend...

@grizzm0 – we are merely retrieving the cell's `textContent` at the moment. Albeit, it might be worthwhile to provide a `format` override that can be attached to the `td` element...

@minhhuynh96 – Are you asking for the ability to export multiple HTML tables, each as its own *sheet*, in the same *workbook*? (**can be done for `xlsx` but NOT `xls`**)...

_Eventually_, I too would like to integrate this feature into the plugin. This sort of customization would need to be done at a very low-level using the [js-xlsx]( parser/writer –...

@nowherenearith – Assuming there is a simple, performant, cross-platform library to copy large amounts of data to the system clipboard (something like [clipboard.js](, then I do not think that it...

@jorgeandresserrano - This was an error in object storage and hashCode that should be fixed in [`v5.0.0-rc.10`]( where I switched from `LocalStorage` to `SessionStorage` and **drastically** reduced the *size* of...

@soukupl – check out the latest commit [a2158d2]( ). I am preparing this for [`v5.0.0-rc.11`]( The reference key value will default to the value of the `id` property if defined,...

@soukupl – I am always open to suggestions for improvement if it aids in utility. If you don't mind me asking, what was your tweak?

This should have been fixed in [v3.2.10]( Please let me know as soon as possible if this is not the case.

I ran your example in a static browser environment and I do see one major bug related to the `rowspan` attribute. I will fix it for the next patch release...